Organic Red Rice
Origin: Indonesia
Much like the brown rice and white rice, red rice also comes with some incredible health benefits. Due to the presence of a component called anthocyanin, this rice is usually consumed either partially hulled or unhulled. Red rice derives this eye-grabbing colour from this component and has much more nutrient value as compared to other varieties of rice.
7 Health Benefits of Red Rice
Check out the following 7 incredible health benefits of red rice:
1. Whole grain and Rich in Fiber
Foods rich in fiber aid in preventing digestive health as well as make you feel satiated longer. This makes it excellent for weight management and it also helps lower the risk of obesity. Red rice contains more fiber than white rice which makes it the better choice if you want to lose weight and become fitter.
2. Packed with Essential Nutrients
Aside from fiber, this nutty-tasting red rice is a great source of zinc and iron, calcium, magnesium, B vitamins such as vitamin B1 present in the bran, vitamin B2 and B6, manganese, selenium, protein, and potassium. It even contains more iron and zinc at 5.5mg/100g and 3.3mg/100g respectively compared to white, black, brown, and purple rice varieties! Iron and zinc are essential nutrients for the blood.
3. AnthocyaninsThe main reason why red rice is red is due to the presence of a flavonoid called anthocyanin. This natural red colorant doesn’t just give the rice a vibrant red hue but it also acts as an anti-oxidant that counteracts free radicals. Anthocyanin in red rice can reduce the spread of cancer cells and inhibit tumor formation. Compared to brown rice, red rice has 10% more antioxidant because of anthocyanin.
Anthocyanin is also present in black rice as well as in most red and blue colored foods such as blueberries, raspberries, and black currants. Anthocyanin has historically been used in remedies for liver dysfunction, vision disorders, and other health disorders.
4. Lowers Blood Cholesterols
Again, the anthocyanin present in red rice is part of the reason why it is good for you if you are a person with hypertension as anthocyanin not only have anti-cancer properties but also possesses anti-inflammatory properties and cardiovascular disease prevention and obesity control capabilities.
Another red rice variety called red yeast rice which is red rice made by fermenting a mold called Monascus purpureus over red rice contains an active compound called monacolin K which acts like the drug Lovastatin which is prescribed by doctors to lower LDL cholesterol levels.
5. Good Choice for Diabetics
Red rice and brown rice are better for diabetics as they both have lower glycemic index compared to white rice. Red rice’s glycemic index is only 55 as compared to standard rice’s glycemic index of 70.
It has been known that white rice contains mostly carbohydrates which translates to sugar is bad for you especially if you have type 2 diabetes. And if you are someone who loves to eat rice but has diabetes, fear not, as stated earlier, rice is not just about white rice. Whole grain rice is like brown rice, black rice, wild rice and red rice is your healthier alternative.
6. Red rice is good for your skin
Who knew it’s not just citrus fruits that contains significant antioxidants can prevent your wrinkles? Apparently red rice does too and it’s all thanks to red rice’s natural pigment coloring. Research has shown that the powerful antioxidant properties of anthocyanin can delay the signs of aging by preventing skin aging and UV-induced skin damage.
7. Healthy even for pregnant women
The red yeast rice variety of red rice has been used in Chinese traditional medicine and is beneficial in lowering your bad cholesterols but pregnant and breastfeeding women as well as children below 20 years old are advised not to take in red yeast rice as it is considered a drug because although rare, some side effects of red yeast rice includes: headache, stomachache or bloating, dizziness, heartburn, and muscle aches and weakness that can lead to a rare but serious condition called rhabdomyolysis.