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Rosella Tea / Gram

Rp 725 Rp 555
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Rosella Tea

Origin : Indonesia

PIRT No. 5.10.5104.98.1018-23

Rosella tea has a mild fragrant aroma with a mildly tart, cranberry-like flavor. It can be enjoyed both warm or iced and goes well with honey as the sweetener.


7 Rosella Flower Health Benefits

Like kaempferia galanga, turmeric and others, Rosella also has a myriad of health benefits. Here are some benefits of Rosella flowers for health that we have to know.

1. Contains antioxidants

Rosella flowers contain phenolic compounds that act as antioxidants. The amount of anti-oxidants in the flower that usually made tea is four times more than the antioxidants in the cat's whiskers. In addition to phenolic, Rosella flowers also contain antioxidant anthocyanins and gossipetin. Its benefits is to provide protection for heart disease, diabetes, to cancer.

2. Prevent cancer

Roselle flower nutrition is very helpful in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. Likewise with DNA damage, Rosella flowers can cope it. It is also includes the prevention of blood cancer or leukemia. So, consume Rosella flowers regularly to get great benefits.

3. Boost immunity

Immune is very important to prevent the entry of disease into the body. Rosella can help us get many nutrients that are useful for immune enhancement. Eating Rosella flowers on a regular basis is great for boosting immunity periodically.

4. Natural Diet

Furthermore, the Rosella flower health benefits is to lose weight and keep it in a stable position. Rosella tea contains vitamin C which is useful to release cholesterol and bad fats. Overweight can be lowered by increasing body metabolism. Consuming Rosella at night before bed and morning is very good to improve the body's metabolic system, it is speeding up the process of burning fat.

5. Treating hypertension

One of the health benefits of Rosella flowers is lowering blood pressure. So, consuming Rosella flowers regularly can maintain the health of metabolism, because blood pressure is one factor disrupt the body's metabolism. When our metabolism is healthy, the risks to serious illnesses can be lowered too.

6. Prevent Bone Reduction

Among other important nutrients present in Rosella flowers are calcium, potassium, vitamin D and iron. Nutrition is good for maintaining bone health, preventing bone loss especially for the elderly.

7. Stretching bowel movements

The fiber content in Rosella is high, so its benefits for stopping the bowel movements are clear. For those of you who have constipation or want to prevent digestive problems, consume Rosella flower tea regularly.

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