Organic Products

Organic food is on most peoples lips right now. Not just by eating organic food but I mean, a lot more people are seeing the benefits of eating organic food and are talking about it. Our healthy food and organic grocery store has many organic products.
Some are locally sourced in Bali or Indonesia and we also have some specialty imported organic food items in store too. We source both certified organic food and there are some non certified also.
As a Mom I most certainly source high quality products that I give to my family, which means that this is exactly what you will be eating too. What goes into our Zero Waste Bali organic food shop section I am proud to give to my family and you too.
Why organic?
Organic grocery is more nourishing and we love that organic farming is much more environmentally sustainable too. I also know that organic produce contains far fewer chemicals and pesticides than conventionally farmed produce.
Is organic food more expensive?
Sometimes, yes, organic food can be expensive than conventional food. However, if you invest in your health now you won't need to waste money later in life on medicine right? Ways that you can minimise costs when buying organic items is to buy what you need in a bulk food, organic grocery store like Zero Waste Bali.
When buying in bulk you can stock up the freezer – if you find produce at a good price then buy up and throw it in the freezer (the best chemical free preserver). A lot of my organic grocery costs me less than conventional because I shop smart. Did you know you can freeze rice, nuts seeds and other items too and it doesn't affect the quality and assists in the foods lasting longer?